On 21st and 22nd May 2015 all project partners from France, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany got together in a scheduled transnational workshop in Rome at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre – Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione. The first decisive result of the work on our project was the presentation and approval of the revised and adjusted quality criteria for the career counselling (Bilan de compétences, BdC). So an important step towards the development of a first product of high-quality in this project is realised. In autumn 2015 this design will be on the table of discussion and approval on the annual general assembly of the FECBOP (Fédération européenne des Centres de bilan et d’orientation professionnelle). The primary focus in Rome was placed on the discussion concerning the current design of the curriculum for the training of competence counsellors. Widely discussed concerning the contents, range and design this curriculum includes in total 5 modules: access criteria, pedagogical and psychological specifics of the BdC, tools and methods of BdC, support and assistance and the certification. Finally a developed draft of the curriculum existed, so the
next step will be to test it in practice.


For the first time the curriculum was practically implemented during the 8th to 12th June 2015 near Prague in a framework of Blended Mobility. The main issues discussed were the contents to teach and the didactic instruments of the training. How to convey the participants that the BdC is a pedagogic process? This question often determines our debate. An important tool is here the training’s journal individually developed for each participant which includes various questionnaires to reflect systematically about the learning processes. Best results are made in practice so another focus during that week was to look for as many practical exercises within the training course. Furthermore a uniform glossary of the most important terms of the specific terminology was to compile, very important and helpful by the variety of languages spoken by the project partners. The design of the curriculum has passed the test. That’s the resulting success of that working week. With the help of all partners we now move on to revise and develop the current draft so that further tests can be carried out from December 2015.


Bildungsinstitut PSCHERER gGmbH
Dr. Regina Hentschel
Reichenbacher Str. 39
08485 Lengenfeld
Phone: 037606-390